If you are wondering how I got on this Web Page, here's the story and I'm gonna tell it to you without boring you to death.
A couple of humans created me and my friends whom you are going to meet in the following windows. We get stuffed with a snazzy custom designed T-shirt which is adult-size X-large and made of the finest 100% cotton so it is incredibly comfortable for sleeping or just hanging out. And talk about PLUSH! We are as fine as anything this world has ever seen!
When we (my friends and I) finally talked the humans into giving us a life of our own - it happened during comida (that's lunchtime for you folks who don't speak Spanish) so the two of them (the humans) became the five of us!!! We (Parodias Caninas®) take care of all of the business - - - except for the humans, of course, who don't take care of much at all!
Each "Ruff®," "K9®," and "Tony®" is an inch over one foot tall. They are made of the finest plush in the world. Each cuddly puppy has his name printed on the front of his undershirt and is stuffed with his own custom printed X-Large Adult-sized T-shirt. The shirt is made of premium 100% cotton which makes it the epitomy of comfort for sleep or everyday wear.
A picture of "Ruff Lauren®" better known as "Ruff®" with his designer T-shirt.

These two are "Tony Holedigger®" and "Canine (K9) Klein®" who will be introduced on the following pages.
"Ruff®", "K9®", & "Tony®" can be yours for:
All prices and payments are in United States Dollars (USD) plus all shipping, handling, and applicable taxes. Customer satisfaction 100% guaranteed from manufacturing defects.
Me, being Ruff, I handle everthing that my two buddies don't, so let me introduce you to "Canine (K9) Klein®," who only answers to "K9®"! You can find him on our "How to Contact Us" window, all you have to do is click below.
How to Contact Us